Photograph On Paper
The photograph has been selected to be exhibited in Blank Wall Gallery in Athens, Greece from 20 September until 2 October 2024 at the exhibition titled “Travel”.
The photograph has been selected to be exhibited in Blank Wall Gallery in Athens, Greece from 20 September until 2 October 2024 at the exhibition titled “Travel”.
Iceland | 2023 | #23

"View of the Vestrahorn"
by Demetriusz Wenglarczyk

From the "Frames of Iceland" photography series.

Photos don't get better when they're bigger

Hellen van Meene
Referring to Hellen van Meene's quote, maybe the photos in the large format will not become better, but the perception of some of them will definitely be different.

I try not to be too time-specific and place-specific with my photography. I just don't like to feel time pressure when travelling. Instead, I often take photos of the more unusual things in more spontaneous way. That said, I always make sure to bring back at least one photo that I planned in advance. It's a kind of trophy. There are places in the world that have been photographed hundreds of times, but you still want to add them to your own collection. The view of the Vestrahorn mountain range from the Stokksnes peninsula is a great example.

My goal was to catch this scenery at a specific time of day in a more or less pre-visualised way. The only things I hadn't considered were the strong winds and freezing temperatures. This is the only wide-angle landscape shot from a tripod that I brought back from Iceland, and I'm very happy with it. It's even more impressive in large format - you will then find the view really breathtaking.

What works for me here

I like how the photo draws the viewer in with the leading line of the beach. The water looks really powerful. The sharp rocks and the waves on the right look quite dramatic, but the soft light and colors on the left looks quite soothing. It looks like there's a clash of two very different elements, almost as if they were controlled by ancient gods. Have I gone too far? Well, that's how it looked to me as I watched this spectacle.

Soundtrack of the moment

"Black Sand" - Song by Glass Beams Listen on Spotify | Listen on Youtube