Photograph On Paper
Skalakot | Iceland 2023 | #02

The photograph was also part of the "Pop Up Exhibition 2025" in Batsford Gallery, London, along with 10 other photographs by the author. The art event was organised by the Blank Wall Gallery.

"Morning Sun" by Demetriusz Wenglarczyk

From the "Frames of Iceland" photography series.

I believe you can use photographs to meditate on and work through things in your life.

Todd Hido

Inspiration behind the click

Three things caught my attention: a horse, a building, and the shape of the archipelago emerging from the morning mist in the distance. I wasn't thinking too much; when I looked through the lens, I knew it would make a great shot. The morning light contrasting with the shadowed foreground completed the picture. One of my favourite photos I took in 2023.

What works for me here

  1. Simple composition

  2. I like how the horizontal lines bring a sense of calm to the vastness of the landscape

  3. Mix of tones, shades and light

Soundtrack of the moment

It must have been Valborg Olafs - "Far From Home".