Photograph On Paper
London | 2019 | #04
"Man" by Demetriusz Wenglarczyk
From the "People in Places" photography series.

Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see and everythinhg to do with the way you see them.

Elliott Erwitt

Photographing the streets of a big city after dark gives me creative satisfaction, but it's a strange feeling - people act differently, I feel like I'm intruding. Sometimes I even feel embarrassed. That's why I usually don't stand still when photographing the streets. I prefer not to wait for the perfect moment. Everything happens almost by chance. I'd rather just click the shutter and go to a different place.

Street photography is a mixture of reflexes, a keen eye, good camera settings and luck. More than once I have come back from such walks without a single good shot. Luckily, this time I had a good catch.

What works for me here:

I think it's a very interesting photograph. It's the lines and the relationship between the main character and the man on the poster that appeal to me - it's almost like a reflection, an alter ego.

Soundtrack of the moment

Chromatics - "Into the Black"